It’s Not Your Fault!

So Many Of Us Have Suffered In Relationships, Finances, And Health.
Because The Enemy Has Tried To Keeps Us From What Belongs To Us!

Have you ever felt like God was tugging on your heart to make a change or you felt like you were at the end of something and you couldn't go any farther where you are?

Now is that time!

God is doing something so unique today. All over the world believers are making a marketplace and ministry merger!

God has placed ministry and marketplace gifting and callings in the same heart!

Now He is calling it forth in you!

Gods response to action takers when it comes to business and the market place is honor because He knows it takes faith to run a business as a Kingdom person.

Taking action when you know you are afraid is really courage. Fulfillment is just around the corner.

Solutions to Fulfillment in your business, family, and relationships come when you begin to see new possibilities.
Those solutions and possibilities are found in uncommon places and you are in that very place!

Kings Table Presents

From Fear To Fulfillment

Phase Two

Advanced Business Startegies

Thursday | Dec 29, 2022

7:30 PM CST | 8:30 EST | 5:30 PT

What You Get In This FREE

  • Comprehensive course on Market Place Mastery and the 12 keys to effective business profits.

  • Momentum: How to harness and use God given momentum to your advantage in business.

  • The advantages of knowing your Wo-mentum and using it to your advantage and for the advantage of value exchange. Understanding the hidden physiological and psychological advantages that many in the market place and the work place don't want woman to know about.

  • Solutions to finding, making, and enjoying more time. The new time management hack.

  • Overcoming fear in business and taking the leap of faith into new
    ventures and pushing past the learning curve.

  • Becoming a category king and dominating your niche.

  • Mastering your time from an eternal space and never running out of time for the important things in life.

  • Discerning the difference between the urgent and the important. The squeaky wheel seems to always get the oil. The quiet wheel just falls off! What do I do when crisis catches me by surprise?

  • Fulfillment comes from productivity, productivity comes from connectivity.

Receive the free download of the leading book in the Business Trilogy “Preparation” as a gift for registering for this powerful and life changing event!